Do You Need Estate Planning?


Nearly everyone owns an estate whether they feel that they do or not and the answer to the question of whether or not you need estate planning is frequently “YES”.  It is the simple act of making a written plan of where you want your worldly assets to go when you leave this life.  While it does not have to be elaborate and certainly not expensive it needs to be done right.  Of course, it may always be altered later.


A few estate planning tips to remember


These and other considerations should be made with the help of a veteran estate planning attorney.


1.  Pass on your values as well as your valuables.

2.  Make sure that you receive the proper care if you become incapacitated.

3.  Assign someone to care for your minor children.

4.  Leave behind provisions for family members that cannot provide for themselves.

5.  Include a solid life insurance policy.


Put Cornett Law Firm’s 45+ years of experience to work for you


The man you need is Amarillo attorney Bill Cornett.  Residents of the Amarillo, TX area, the Texas Panhandle, parts of New Mexico and Oklahoma should sit down and tap into his forty years of estate planning experience.  Don’t put this off any longer.  Call Bill at the Cornett Law Firm today.


Bill Cornett, Amarillo Attorney, with Cornett Law Firm offers affordable, qualified services as an experienced personal injury lawyer, probate attorney, family law attorney, criminal law attorney, DWI attorney, family law attorney and divorce attorney. attorney. Bill also has experience in estate planning and agriculture law. Sit down with Bill at his office located at 612 S. Van Buren St. in Amarillo TX by calling (806) 374-9498 or (800) 658-6618 TODAY to schedule a free consultation.



Cornett Law Firm - Amarillo Attorney Bill Cornett


(806) 374 - 9498

Bill Cornett


Bill Cornett grew up on a farm in Knox City, Texas. He received his Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics from Texas Tech University and his Doctor of Jurisprudence from the University of Houston Law School. Bill was licensed to practice law in the State of Texas in 1973.

Cornett Law Firm - Amarillo Attorney Bill Cornett Cornett Law Firm - Amarillo Attorney Bill Cornett Cornett Law Firm - Amarillo Attorney Bill Cornett